
Balloon Numbers and Letters

What better way to announce the names of the guests of honor or the long-awaited company milestone than with shiny balloon letters and numbers?
Numbers and letters are a statement that you can use to mark milestones, display company names or acronyms, or even proclaim the reason for the celebration. Use them as a complementing decor for stages, photo backdrops, entrances, and more.

And what’s the best thing about balloon letters and numbers? Their versatility and unlimited decor combination options are sure to make your event stand out. You can add them to balloon arches, walls, and columns for an extra stylish touch.

We at Balloon Van Gogh pride ourselves on helping families, event organizers, and businesses in empowering and transforming their celebrations through balloon decor. Whatever the occasion, we’d love to be part of it!

Our talented team is ready to bring your ideas to life and we love challenges that put our creative minds to work. If you don’t have a decor inspo or vision in mind, we have a lot of those. Let’s get started!

Letter or Number Stack
Letter or Number Mosaic
Letter of Number Sculpture

Client Testimonials

Let’s hear how Balloon Van Gogh made a difference

“Thank you so much! My wife loved the giant champagne balloon arrangement. Her favorite part was the light up bubbles! ???? highly recommend to all! ”


“I hired Balloon Van Gogh to decorate my daughter’s 2nd Cocomelon birthday party with one request: I wanted it to fit the theme but not a cheesy Cocomelon character (sorry Lily) and wow they did not disappoint! It was cute enough for a little girl’s birthday party but classy enough that I would’ve been happy with the balloon decor at my (33!) birthday party. Thank you balloon Van Gogh! I will be a repeat costumer for sure.”


“Thank you again so much for doing an awesome arrangement and working on such short notice. I would highly recommend and use again!”


From your vision to reality:

Our balloons will add a statement

to your event

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